6.4 Quantum spin

What if we look at relations?
Imagine the environment of a set of relations changes. What happens to the set itself? According to relation physics: a set of relations (a ‘particle’) is part of its environment. After all, there is an overlap of information. With a change in the environment, it will inevitably change as well. However, a set is also somewhat stable because sets are superpositions of information that is less easily redistributed as they become more complex. Simply because, for more complex structures, there are fewer suitable options during redistribution. When the environment consists of photons, however, such a more complex set can still be relatively easily influenced by it. One of the possibilities is a shift in the orientation of the set.

The Stern-Gerlach experiment
Quantum spin is a concept from particle physics, although it is not fully understood. The concept was introduced to distinguish between two manifestations of a fermion, necessary to adhere to Pauli’s Exclusion Principle. This rule states that two identical fermions cannot simultaneously occupy the same quantum state, but two variants can. The variants are denoted as spin up and spin down. The Stern-Gerlach experiment makes these spin variants visible and also demonstrates that spatial orientation at the quantum level is not continuous but quantized.

Angular leaps
In terms of relation physics, quantum spin can be viewed as the ability for entangled information situated in a central superposition (the intersection of relations) to change to a different orientation through angular redistribution of information. For example: When a photon and a more complex set of relations come into close proximity, the photon’s information can interact with that set. The more complex set will not immediately break down into simpler forms. Nor will it instantly incorporate the information and become even more complex. For such developments, there may not always be sufficient options available to keep the total amount of information constant, following the no-hiding theorem. It is much more likely that the information added by the photon to the set is offset with the environment through the splitting off of an equal amount of information. As a result, a photon is absorbed, and simultaneously, another photon is created. The effect can be a linear displacement, but it can also be a change in orientation. Such a change in orientation corresponds to what is called quantum spin in particle physics.

Dividing the indivisible 😮
Consider that in the relation interpretation of spin, a ‘particle’/set does not change orientation as an ‘indivisible whole’, but rather, all relations comprising the set, and thus their neighbors, change individually. Quantum spin also involves dismantling and reassembling sets with new information. Usually, this will result in the same type of particle. However, it doesn’t have to. It can also change. What about ‘elementary and indivisible’? The principle of elementary particles is no longer tenable. Think of radioactive decay, where a down quark becomes an up quark, and simultaneously, an electron and an antineutrino are formed. Or consider the example of a photon that transforms into an electron and a positron. Take a look at all those Feynman diagrams. They are a celebration of changing elementary particles. Later, this topic will be explored in greater detail.

Spin is not an inherent property of a particle
In terms of relation physics, spin describes the angular redistribution of information under certain conditions. Spin is not an intrinsic property of a set/particle; instead, it involves the interaction between the relations within a set and its environment. The set can assume a different orientation due to the most probable development given a specific initial orientation and the conditions of the environment.

Quantum spin is not about rotation
In chapter 2, we saw that in a coherent universe, angular redistributions are only possible when these redistributions all follow the same direction. That is to say, as a summation on a macroscopic level. Exceptions are possible on the quantum level but are neutralized in the overall picture. You might be thinking of a system of rotating particles or sets, but that’s not accurate. Nor is quantum spin the same as the rotation of a particle. That would require rotational speeds that are fundamentally impossible. Although there is agreement that quantum spin has nothing to do with actual rotation, similarities with the macroscopic concept of angular momentum are recognized. However, be cautious not to envision a macroscopic image of a rotating flywheel. Let’s explore to what extent the angular redistribution of information can be conceivable as a concept for quantum spin.

Spin-1 and spin-½
In terms of relation physics, a photon, belonging to spin-1 particles in particle physics, can transition from any initial orientation to any conceivable other orientation in one event (one pixel, one probability cycle) while retaining the same characteristics. Gluons, W, and Z bosons are all spin-1 particles. Like photons, they do not experience time and are their own antiparticle. For these particles, the direction of orientation change has no meaning.

It’s worth recalling that gluons only exist in combinations; never as individual ‘particles’. They exist only in conjunction with other gluons and quarks. No behavior of gluons outside these combinations is known.

When it comes to W and Z bosons, we know they have an extremely short lifespan, existing only as intermediate forms during changes in fermions. It is said that W and Z bosons are the (sole) intermediate forms to exchange energy, mass, and charge between leptons and quarks. One cannot perform a Stern-Gerlach experiment with gluons, W, and Z bosons. Their spin-1 property is derived rather than experimentally observed.

In terms of relation physics, fermions require two pixels to arrive at all possible orientations. They are spin-½ particles. Fermions are not their own antiparticles and are thus bound to the direction of the evolution of the universe. In one pixel, a fermion can at most reach the negative orientation version of itself (spin up versus spin down). This negative orientation version exhibits different characteristics in connection with its environment. To complete a full cycle back to the version with its original characteristics (from spin up back to spin up), two pixels are needed. This aspect of a negative orientation version is crucial, bearing significance, among other things, for Pauli’s Exclusion Principle.

Spinors as a metaphor
To comprehend the spin-½ property, classical physics sometimes draws an analogy with so-called spinors. Strangely enough, this comparison might actually be more fitting in the realm of relation physics. The ‘reins’ of spinors could be likened to the relations with the universe. Just like a spinor, a spin-½ particle (set) requires two rotations to return to its original state. In terms of relation physics: two probability cycles. In the case of a neutrino, it involves only two relations, two ‘reins’, which can be compared to the belt in Dirac’s ‘belt trick’; the simplest spinor.

source: wikipedia

Here, we observe an object that can spin continuously without becoming tangled. After the cube completes a 360° rotation, the spiral is reversed from its initial configuration. The reins return to their original configuration after spinning a full 720°.

Interlude: quantum leaps
Consider that at the most fundamental level, space and time are the same. A change in orientation is a leap, just like a linear redistribution. When considering small linear leaps, there might be a temptation to use concepts like the Planck length and Planck time with the Planck constant h. For angular exchanges, the reduced Planck constant ħ would come into play. However, it’s crucial to note that the reduced Planck constant, the numbers 2 and Ï€, and formulas in general, are macroscopic concepts. They are emergent phenomena applicable to larger structures. At the quantum level, they are merely formless jumps; not discrete units.

Spin-½ slows down fermions
Fermions all possess the spin-½ property, which requires two pixels for an orientation change – essentially two quantum steps – while retaining all its original properties. It’s important to note that the spin-1 effect of a photon can also be observed at the macroscopic level in the velocity of photons. The speed of light is a fundamental constant unique to photons, as the combined linear and angular distribution can only be performed by photons. Fermions, on the other hand, move at speeds slower than the speed of light. Their motion is impeded by irregularities in their surroundings that require additional pixels to maintain all their properties.

Spin made visible in a magnetic field
Spatial orientation can be revealed in a magnetic field, as demonstrated by the intriguing Stern-Gerlach experiment. The conventional explanation for particles following divergent paths in a magnetic field is the effect of the magnetic dipole moment of these particles. In terms of particle physics, this arises from their spin, even in uncharged composite particles such as, for example, the neutron. Although a neutron is overall neutral, the quarks it consists of are charged. The magnetic moment is explained as a result of the spin of the individual quarks.

The Stern-Gerlach experiment in terms of relation physics
Relation physics perceives the mentioned magnetic dipole moment in the following manner. When particles are surrounded by a mixture of differently oriented photons, their orientation is not (permanently) influenced by these photons. However, when a specific orientation of photons dominates – this is equivalent to a magnetic field – there is a more frequent redistribution of information with those particles leading to a specific orientation, because the particles align themselves in the magnetic field under the influence of the predominance of one type of oriented photons; half in ‘spin up’, the other half in ‘spin down’. In a universe where all redistribution follows one direction, the initial orientation determines whether they end up in spin up or spin down. This subsequently determines their trajectory in the Stern-Gerlach setup. This is how spin, the orientation in space, becomes visible.

Screw thread as a metaphor
When disassembling and reassembling relation sets with six linear degrees of freedom and a central rotation, everything in the grand scheme must change in the same angular direction. Otherwise, there will be an accumulation of information. This direction must be consistent for the combination of linear and angular changes. Imagine the entire universe has the same direction of change everywhere.  This doesn’t mean everything moves in the same linear direction. Think of screws and bolts. When a particle with spin up behaves like a bolt, the male, and moves upwards, its counterpart, the particle with spin down, behaves like a nut, the female, and moves downwards in the same environment. Both can occupy the same quantum state, thereby adhering to Pauli’s Exclusion Principle.

Only an observer knows the spin direction
In terms of relation physics, spin is not an intrinsic property of relation sets but a behavior resulting from the exchange of information. Through entanglement of a particle with its environment and ultimately with the entire universe, angular redistribution, much like the direction of time, proceeds in one direction. Depending on its initial orientation, a fermion is pushed into either spin up or spin down through angular redistribution. Note that spin direction is not an objective property but observer-dependent. Only an observer knows or experiences the spin direction. See also section 6.25 on symmetry and chirality.

A boson (spin-1) lacks spin direction because it is not receptive to the direction of change imposed by the universe. Regardless of any linear or angular change, its properties remain constant. This allows bosons, unlike fermions, to occupy the same quantum state with other bosons. It is noteworthy that composite particles consisting of an even number of fermions also behave as bosons. The spin-½ behavior of the fermions disappears, and they can share the same quantum state with other bosons. The even number categorizes them as bosons.

The Higgs boson is a unique case with spin-0.